Yesterday night I started playing Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee again. I thought to myself as I pressed the on button on the playstation 1, "I wonder why I never completed this game or got very far".
After an hour of playing I was soon reminded. It is ridiculous. It says 11+, but at the age of 11, I couldn't get past the first 2 levels. At the age of 20, I can't get past the first 2 levels.
Actually, I tell a lie. I CAN get past the first two levels, but without saving half of the Mudokons. Have I lost you here? Don't worry, The opening cutscene will explain.
After seeing this, I sometimes doubt whether it should have been an 11+ at all, its still pretty disturbing. Anyway, the idea is, you go through the game and try and rescue as many of your own kind as you can. Some are really easy to rescue, some are really really hard. Half of them are hidden in secret areas! In total there are 99 workers to save. If you save 50 or more, your life gets saved at the very end of the game. If you save 49 or less, you get destroyed in a meat grinder at the end of the game- because the rest of the Mudokons decided not to risk saving you.
I have been playing for 2 hours and have only rescued 18. I had to use a walkthrough to get to some as well, and I hate using walkthroughs. This is a special case though, because the actions are so specific I could be here for weeks just trying to work something out.
A girl at work told me she loved this game and bought it again. Also i think she is better at it then you.