Saturday 11 July 2009

Slow Walkers

If there is one thing in the world i could change... lets think... Famine? No. War? No. Stop disease? No. Kill all slow walkers? Yes.

In essence, most slow walkers are highly indecisive people, such cretins i would never associate with anyway. And to think i waste so much time walking angrily behind them in town, trying to get past, but remaining polite.

Problem 1:
They always seem to cluster together around town, and walk in horizontal arrangement down the pavement. This forces people who ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO DO to walk in the road briefly, endangering their lives including my own. It wouldn't be so bad if they walked in single file, away from shops.

Problem 2:
Why must they window shop? If you have no money, don't go into town. It also stops people who ACTUALLY HAVE MONEY from gaining access to shops. Hanging around the shops when you have no money is pointless.

Problem 3:
I am a runner. I have a low 'low-speed threshold'. I hat getting to places slowly if i know I can get there faster. people who are ACTUALLY QUITE CONTENT with having no point to their lives should move out of the way of people who ACTUALLY HAVE A LIFE.

Perhaps I am blowing this out of proportion slightly. But nevertheless, ARGHLBARGHLAAAAAHHHH!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so with you on this one duffield - turst me it's even worse in totnes. however here in jordan no one walks anyway ! therefore all pavements errr well wherever there are pavements, no one is on them :D sounds like you had fun camping hehe ! scarlett x x x
