Monday 20 April 2009

Back from the grave/ The Duffield arrangement.

Its good to be back. As you may have noticed, i have not posted since ages ago, because i have been using every opportunity to complete my chemistry coursework! you'll be glad to know that it is now finished at roughly 85 pages.

Wait, is it just me or is the 5 in subscript? or the 8 in superscript? hmmm. thats odd. look, see- 85... 85...

Does this happen with other numbers? lets take a look. 132456789. What the hell is going on with that! can anyone else see this? correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't all values and characters supposed to be on a level.

78. 34. 12. Oh wait, i think i see a pattern, all of these numbers - 1268 - are level, and all of these numbers - 34579 - are on a different one. I see no connection between higher numbers, or no form of obvious grouping... seeings as i am the first person to scientifically analyse this to any extent, i shall dub this phenomenon 'Duffield Arrangement'.

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