Tuesday 9 March 2010

Detective Inspector JD

Recently, our most prized possessions have started to go missing in our house. We all know that theft is unacceptable and it has caused some of us great loss.

Thats right, someone is stealing our food from the freezer.

Tom was distraught when he discovered his chicken had vanished. Sam was upset too, when his Pizza disappeared. (Mind you, he was more upset by the fact it was a "waitrose" Pizza- not one of those common pizzas). Since then, amongst the list of missing items include eggs, yoghurt, another pizza and a packet of mince.

After some rather grimy detective work in the bin, me and Tom could not account for the disappearances in terms of the possiblility of people confusing the food for their own and accidentally eating it.

We came to the conclusion that wherever all this food was going, it was definitley leaving the premises. There was no evidence of used packaging, no witnesses of people taking it, and only an unconfirmed report by Oli of hearing people in the kitchen at night he didn't recognise.

We have no evidence. Our resident tutor is now involved, but I don't want to risk my food being stolen any longer. As a result, I have decided to " bug the kitchen". Some of us suspect a particular member of the house to be the culprit, but for privacy I shall not mention any names. But hell, I'll find out somehow.

Tonight I am setting up my camera and concealing it. I shall time lapse the whole night until 7:30 in the morning. So on a limb, I hope to shed some light on the matter. I will let you know in the morning how things have turned out, but until then... you have the right to remain in the fridge.

Oh and by the way, my red-eye in the photo of me looking all detectivey is in fact my spy laser. So there.


  1. On previous posts you've mentioned you have a webcam. You can get some software that will make the cam turn on when there's noise (requires microphone) Pretty handy, caught my sister stealing some of my stuff once. It's over to you sherlock

  2. OO that sounds nifty, how do you set that up?
