Saturday 21 March 2009

How is Graham Litt still alive?

Graham Litt, our drummer, defies death and serious injury. How? and Why? He seems to always have some kind of horrific injury, and it seems to be a new one each week. So how is he still alive? How does he heal? 

3 or 4 weeks ago, Graham broke his hand. Nice. He hit it one the wall or something and did his knuckles in. and yet, was still able to drum the following week? its true. His hand is basically fine now.
Not too long ago, maybe 2 weeks? Graham was training with the army and sustained a large bruise during an injection on his forearm. This bruise then became infected and he underwent severe internal bleeding in his arm. To the point were we could see the bruise noticably swelling as he drummed. Once again, he is healed. Some would say magically?

and yesterday, Graham was slightly late to band practice. When confronted, it turned out he had done something horrible to his ankle. It had swollen up like a melon, inflated slightly with more than the average amount of juice. But now today, the swelling has subsuided somewhat, and he is getting better.

Having a scientific mind, i have to tried to eliminate all the variables which i believe do not contribute to his amazing ability to heal fatal wounds. for example.

His racism
His homophobia
His mannerisms
the fact he ALWAYS sleeps naked?
His ability to turn corners in an unnecessarily flowing manner

On the whole, I have decided that he is healed only by the power of the word "Gloin?"

All praise "Gloin?".

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