Sunday 31 October 2010

Ricky and the Pumpkins?

Friday night, band practice was cancelled because the production of fiddler on the roof was happening again. I might blog about that. (Tradition!) So we had a plan to start with. The plan was, to go out, get drunk at the ale festival, come back and watch the disney classic- Robin Hood.

However, we carved pumpkins for half the night, then went out and got drunk at the ale festival, met "new alan", and went home to bed. Here is the result of our efforts. Going from left to right, the pumpkins are as follows.

Big G's pumpkin. Looks like it is saying, "Say, what?" The next 2 were carved by some of Billy's friends.then there was Ricky's, which clearly has in his words "the downs". Next along is billys, pretty good. Finally, mine. As you can see, it took a considerable amount of effort.

I mean, come on. Ricky and the pigeons! It took so long to make, and it nearly failed so many times. After this was done, we then went to Wetherspoons to enjoy some ale. Numerous pints of King Goblin ale later, thanks to Ricky I discovered there is a cider I actually like. "Broadoak Perry". Sweet, drinkable, 7.5%. What more could you ask for? We then met New Alan, and thats a whole different story.

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