Monday 8 February 2010


This semester, I vowed to do more private studying in my free time. So far, this has worked out quite well, as I just finished recapping a lecture on spectroscopy I had this morning using Polly, my dictaphone. Well, I can now tell you to not pin your hopes on the C-O peak actually existing, and I could also tell you why amides have an anomalously low wavenumber when it comes to the carbonyl peak.

But enough of that. As a reward for my soon-to-be efforts, I brought my Wii up to campus along with all my zelda games and of course brawl. I hooked it up to my 7 inch... screen. Yeah, its small but it does the job and it is inconspicuous if the TV licence people try to get on my case for 'having the potential to watch TV'.

And so along with painting for valentines day and studying, I hope to be fitting in some good ol' Ocarina of Time in the evenings instead of just lazing around. Sweet.

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