Thursday 25 February 2010

We didn't steal anything.

Today, I was in god damn inorganic labs again. I'm just home for my lunch break now. For the first part of the experiment, me and Tom Bartlett were working in pairs. It involved making a rather noxious concoction of chemicals, heating them up and then vacuum filtering the precipitate off. The basic idea was that you would be left with a nice amount of lovely pink  cobalt chloride precipitate to work with afterwards. However, there was a slight hitch in ours. Well, we cocked it up.

Instead of getting a large amount, our yield was just a thin layer that came to almost nothing. We were faced with the possibility of having to start again... we spoke to one of the 4th year demonstrators about the problem. He told us we may have to start again, unless you "found" some more. He said that he could see a lot of people in the lab with more precipitate than they needed, that they wouldn't miss... but for the record he said he may overlook but will not condone theft.

So, me and Tom (known henceforth as Tom Foolery) set about with a dish and a spatula, claiming precipitate tax off our friends. So yeah... "stealing". Or permanently borrowing if you prefer. Well, hopefully the experiment will go well from now, and we wont have to steal anything else like boiling chemicals or hazardous gases.

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