Thursday 4 November 2010

Sir Hiss: The best character of all time,

Hello everyone, today's post is all about the best character in any film published to date, Sir Hiss. He is a snake featured as the king's assistant in the disney film, Robin Hood. In my opinion, he has the best one liners and concepts that just make him so quotable and hilarious to watch.

In the video I have put below, is the best scene that Sir Hiss is in, according to me and Graham. In this scene, Sir Hiss is tasked with checking the archery contest for Robin Hood. Naturally, he hides inside a balloon and in order to survey the scene properly, he does a number of completely impossible things.

  1. He inflates a balloon from the inside 
  2. The balloon then floats, with no helium
  3. He uses his tail as a propellor to fly around (Genius)
  4. He does not suffocate
  5. He forms an air tight seal between the balloon and his body
So yeah, enjoy the magic of Sir Hiss.

As you can see, much to my delight he gets trapped inside a barrel of Ale. I also love that he is drunk when he comes out, it is good to know my favourite character is also a big ale fan! But what need does a snake have for a hat and a cape?

What is great is that he gets blamed for the whole incident and subsequently gets tied to a post using his own body.

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