Sunday 3 January 2010

Islands of Adventure!

Ah , Islands of adventure. Next to Universal studios it is the place where all the cool comes from. More roller coasters, Jurassic park, and Marvel superheroes. But there was also a similar problem to Universal studios. I don't need to tell you, just look at this picture I took of the park. I could have found more room in a tin of sardines.

As expected, all the rides were wait times of over an hour, which made little point in bothering. Here is a picture of the Hulk, a rollercoaster in the Marvel bit. I did not go on this year, but I have to say it is a quality ride.

In the Jurassic park section there was some cool things too. As Michael Crichton is one of my favourite authors of all time, the Jurassic park stuff is always cool to look at. The arch from the film,

A spinosaurus just like 'Hey there'

And a convincing but disappointingly fake dinosaur skeleton.

On the plus side, the queue in the Marvel shop was considerably less than an hour, and a purchased a T shirt with Gambit from the X-Men on it. Win.

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